My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." John 17:15 NIV
One of the differences between Christianity and some other religions is that we are not called out of the world. We are called to be light in the world. Some philosophies teach their adherents to block out the evil in the world by emptying the mind or being mindful in nature. That is fine for short term relief from the stresses of the modern world but it does not address the fundamental issue of how we face evil. The Bible tells us to resist the devil, to stand against sin, and to not fear. We are not avoiding the tragic realities of sin. We are facing them head on and affirming that our God is victorious over the works of Satan. We are courageous and hopeful, knowing that our Saviour is King. Our minds are not blank; they are filled with the knowledge of God's love.
Dear Father, I thank you that you give us strength and power over the works of the devil. I pray that I will meditate on your word in the Bible and know that you are always in control. I thank you that I can rest in the assurance of your salvation and love.