"Jesus travelled about...proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God." Luke 8:1 NIV
The Kingdom of God is referenced many times in the New Testament. It encompasses many aspects of God's sovereignty. Jesus fulfilling his purpose as Messiah by dying on the cross for our salvation demonstrates the king-ship or king-liness of God as He not only demonstrates his power over death but also his protection and provision for his people. The good news of the Kingdom of God is that God saves us from our sins and that He changes us so that we can become people that glorify God and that bless the world. Being under the loving Lordship and authority of God, we receive life and freedom from the destructive chains of sin. We are so blessed to have a King, the King of the universe.
Father, we thank you for bringing us into your Kingdom. Guide us, shape us, change us so that we are righteous subjects of your Kingdom. We pray that we will bring glory and honour to you, the King who loves us more than we can ever imagine.