Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest. Proverbs 26:2 NIV
In today's era of social media, so much malice, hatred, and anger is screamed at a variety of people for a variety of reasons. Some people respond by withdrawing from social media. Some people fight back with equal venom. I think the Bible is telling us to just ignore hateful speech when it is directed at us. If someone is cursing us for no good reason, their ill-will will not be able to hurt us in any significant way if we do not give it any strength. The impact will be so transient, like the brief stop of a fluttering bird, that we need not be worried about it. We do not need to fear the harsh criticism of others if we are closely following God's guidance for our life. He will easily swish away the fluttering swallow or darting swallow of an undeserved curse.
I pray that I will not let other people's malice settle on me. As a child of the King, I do not need to care about undeserved criticism. I do pray, though, that I will have an open mind to hear godly criticism and be prepared to confess my sins to God and make amends for wrongs I have done to others.