"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7 NIV
This verse follows along after one that encourages us to rejoice in the Lord and to not be anxious. We are told to pray to God about everything. It is by focusing on God that we gain the peace of God which keeps our hearts and minds from falling prey to the assault of Satan. Our adversary wants us to live in fear. He wants us to fear man, to fear death, to fear illness, to fear financial ruin. But the apostle Paul tells us to stay steadfast in God and we will be able to live without fear. When anxiety starts to grow, we can remind ourselves of God's promises in the Scriptures. We can pour out our troubles to God in our prayers. God will put a hedge around our hearts and minds if we keep our eyes on Jesus.
I pray that I will keep my mind full of the word of God. When I feel like I am straying into the fears of this world, I pray that I will remind myself that my soul is eternally safe in the Lord. The joy of the Lord is my strength.