Tuesday, April 30, 2024

God's Grace, not Worldly Wisdom

 "Relying not on worldly wisdom, but on God's grace."  2 Corinthians 1:12 NIV

One of the big struggles today in our churches is to discern the difference between our societal values and the values of God.  Many issues arise in our congregations because people want to be more in line with our current culture.  However, the Bible teaches us that, while we are in the world, we are not to be conformed to the world. The church is to be an example and a blessing to the world, but it is to take its direction from God who has provided us with explicit instructions for life through the Bible. Whenever a church goes running after popular culture, it weakens and eventually dies. If the number of people attending a church is declining in spite of the Gospel being preached, there is nothing to worry about.  God will not allow his Word to return empty. Our job is not to fill churches, our job is to preach the Gospel.  God's Holy Spirit will convict and give grace to further his kingdom in his perfect plan.

Lord, thank you for the Bible that clearly tells us how to live. Keep my mind focused on your words of wisdom and love. Protect me from the insidious tendrils of our secular society. You are the Way, the only Way.