Monday, January 6, 2025

Heavenly Fear

 "...the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."  Exodus 20:20 NIV

The fear of God is sometimes viewed as a negative thing. Many people try to dilute it and call it reverence or respect.  But the Bible says "fear" and for a good reason.  We are by nature stubborn and self-centered and it is the fear of God that motivates us to turn away from our sins.  The threat of God's discipline helps us to focus our hearts on doing the right thing because otherwise we make any number of excuses for our bad behaviour. The Bible has many verses that talk about the fear of God.  They remind us that following God and obeying him brings great rewards, not least of which is a true relationship with God.  We can be thankful that God uses our strong emotion of fear to get our attention and guide us into real life.

Dear God, thank you for telling us to fear you.  We fear so many things that should not be feared: death, illness, others' opinions of us, poverty. These unrighteous fears destroy our lives. You promise us that if we fear you instead that you will save us, forgive us and give us everlasting life with you.  Thank you for giving us hope and many blessings in this life as well as helping us to be a blessing to others. Until we truly love you, we need to fear you.