Monday, May 1, 2017


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6 NIV

God loves us to ask to be more like him.  Prayers for things like righteousness, humility, love, compassion are sure to be answered as they conform to God’s likeness. A longing for righteousness that involves actions leading in that direction will result in a person feeling satisfied. True satisfaction is not based on pride.  True satisfaction comes when we align ourselves with God’s goodness.

Our righteousness is also about knowing who we are in relation to God.  When we grasp that we are children of God, made in his likeness and a masterpiece of his creation, we have a right perspective of our connection to God. Righteousness is about being right in our thinking, about knowing what is true. It’s the truth that sets us free and makes us feel complete.

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