Friday, September 21, 2018


“…the idolaters and all liars – their place will be in the fiery lake” Revelation 21: 8 NIV

It is interesting that in the list of people who will not be in heaven, idolaters and liars are placed next to each other. Idolatry breaks the first commandment and is more easily seen as a sin, but lying would appear to be a lighter infringement of the commands.  In the Ten Commandments, the only commandment that address some forms of lying is bearing false witness.  I believe that the lying that the Bible is speaking about is lying about the nature and existence of God. It is the kind of lying that Satan used to convince Eve and Adam to sin against God.  The world’s message is that God is a kill-joy and that you can be your own god.

It is very frustrating when people continue on their way, oblivious to God or in direct rebellion to Him, believing the biggest lie of all, but I have to remember that God knew that this would happen. He said few would go through the narrow gate. Perhaps I need to focus on the miraculous fact that some people do choose to love God even though they are bombarded by so much anti-god teaching. No wonder the angels rejoice when someone repents. And God knows what He’s doing.

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