"Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted." Isaiah 53:4 NIV
The Messiah is prophesied to take our infirmities upon himself. Our fears, our weaknesses, our doubts, our physical ailments are gathered up by the Saviour and become his burden. Our heart-break, our losses, our disappointments are loaded up on the shoulders of the Saviour. Yet as he does this, people think his crucifixion is a punishment from God, that God was angry with him, that God deliberately hurt him. But it is our sins that lead to death, even the death of our Saviour. His unbounded love for us carries all our pain and suffering even as we do not thank him for it, or even recognize it. In spite of our disregard for him, he still died on the cross for us because he loves us unreservedly. His nature is love and he only acts in accordance with his nature.
I pray that I will remember the depth and strength of Jesus's infinite love for me. The cross so graphically shows the result of our sins - the darkness, cruelty, suffering and death that come out of sin . Jesus hates to see our rebellious spirits crashing into evil so he stands in the way of our darkness and overcomes it with his love.
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