"Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you have...' At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth." Mark 10:21-22 NIV
It's easy to dismiss this passage because not many of our friends and family have great wealth, and if we aren't personally rich in money we think it doesn't apply to us. But other aspects of life can be seen as riches. Are we rich in relationships, rich in status, rich in opportunities? Often strong personal relationships among unbelievers are a barrier to someone following Christ. The cost of potentially losing some relationships seems too high. If a person has a high public profile and is admired by the world, a decision for Christ could quickly make their popularity plunge and perhaps subject them to ridicule. Walking away from the spotlight could be very difficult. Some jobs offer interesting opportunities including exciting projects and travel. A profession of faith in Christ might close those doors. A new life in Christ might lead to more constrained work situations.
Scripture tells us that Jesus loved the rich young man but his love didn't compel the man to follow him. Jesus didn't run after the man and try to convince him to change his mind. He knew it was futile because the man valued his goods more than God. I have to accept that some of those I love will never want to trade their worldly riches for the infinite blessing of eternal life with Christ.
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