"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." Deuteronomy 32: 2 NIV
These words are part of a long song that Moses sang to the Hebrews shortly before he died. What a beautiful image of the sweetness and blessing of God's teaching coming through Moses. Particularly in the dry countries of the Middle East, rain would have been enjoyed as a source of refreshment and of plentiful food. Moses' words liken his people to new grass and tender plants, both of which are fragile and need nurturing. Moses encourages the people to embrace his godly teachings so that they may flourish and grow. The Hebrews had been in Egypt for about 400 years before the Exodus and they had undoubtedly been influenced by Egyptian society over those years. Moses is suggesting that in their new life away from Egypt that their understanding of God is just barely sprouting afresh and will need the persistent watering of his teachings.
Many people today are coming to faith in Jesus after living in unbelieving families and social circles. I pray, that like Moses, I can offer some watering to their newfound faith by teaching Biblical truths and encouraging them to look to Jesus for guidance and sustenance. We, like plants, all need water and we all need the blessings of God's living water.
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