Thursday, August 6, 2020


"those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them- do you think they were more guilty than the others living in Jerusalem?"

Hardly a week goes by without a calamity occurring somewhere in the world. Floods, fires, earthquakes, collapsing buildings, etc. happen repeatedly, and yet there is often an expression of surprise when they do happen as if nothing like that had ever come to pass before. People will comment that someone, who they believe was a good person, died in a disaster. "Why?" is the perennial question. Jesus clarifies these situations for us by saying that being affected by a tragedy is not a  measure of someone's spiritual guilt or righteousness. In fact, how and when we die or suffer is not a reflection of our relationship with God. Our justification by Christ is demonstrated not by the length of our life but the quality of our life, especially by the love that we extend to others. Except for John, none of the apostles lived to be old but they were clearly living godly lives.

I pray that I will not get caught up in the worldly notion that our main goal in life should be to live as long as possible. I hope that I will not make an idol out of health. I pray that I will not fall into the lie of believing that misfortune befalls people because of some guilt on their part, or that "goodness" will protect me and my loved ones from suffering and death.

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