Friday, September 18, 2020

Singing Mountains


“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12 NIV

As the word of the Lord takes root in us, even our natural surroundings take on a brighter appearance. Just like joyful music, the beauty of the mountains and hills will put a happy song in our hearts. As the trees’ leaves blow in the wind, it will seem like they are clapping their applause to the Lord. All around us, we will feel that nature is rejoicing at the goodness and love of the Lord. The many miracles of growth, metamorphosis, and flowering will remind us of the amazing creator. The blessings of tasty, nutritious food will remind us of the Lord’s provision for us.  Animals in their wonderful diversity, that fill our landscapes and homes, will inspire smiles with their playful antics or awe at their strength and beauty.  Joy in and with the Lord’s creation, peace in the knowledge of God’s enduring care, these are  fruits of God’s Holy Spirit living in us.

Thank you, Lord for your gift of creation. We marvel as your incredible works.  I pray that the work of conviction by your Holy Spirit will root out the weeds of selfishness, pride and greed in my heart so that I may, day by day, see you more clearly.                                  

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