"It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans."3 John 7 NIV
In the apostle John's third epistle to a church, John praises the church for having helped fellow believers, who were strangers to them, enabling them to do their work without any financial support from nonbelievers. It is wise for churches today to not raise funds through secular endeavours. A quest for money to pay a church's bills should not be undertaken in a worldly fashion. Our tithes and offerings should be bathed in prayer and blessed for the work of God. If we really value the kingdom of God, we will support our churches financially to the extent that they can meet their obligations. Once a church begins relying on nonbelievers for income, then they quickly modify the gospel to make it more palatable to the public so that they don't lose donations. What a downward spiral that starts.
I pray that God will give me a generous heart so that I will support my church financially to the best of my ability. I pray that as a church we will remember that a church is people, not a building or a program. I thank God for the community of saints that unites Christians around the world.
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