Thursday, December 24, 2020

Radiant Commands

 ''The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes." Psalm 19:8 NIV

How often are commands described as "radiant?"  Burdensome, difficult, painful, and many other adjectives are usually used to describe commands. But here the Psalmist is telling us that God's commands are radiant - that they are beautiful, life-giving, and heart warming.  They give light to the eyes so that we can clearly see the world we live in, and the work that God is doing in the world.  We see his love and his provision for us. God's radiant commands beam us into a new regenerated life. His radiant commands  don't weigh us down but lift us up. God's commands always purify us and make us more like him. Let's not confuse the way God commands us with the way that other people command us. People may command us in order to have control over us or to take advantage of us, but God's commands are always there to benefit us.

Thank you Lord for your guiding light that shines through your commandments.  Give me a heart that is eager to follow your light. I pray that I may be a light to those around me so that they can see your marvellous love for them.

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