"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the sixth day." Genesis 1: 31 NIV
God could have made the natural world much simpler than he did, but instead he made it full of incredible variety. I think he knew how much the wonders of nature would fill us with awe, and bring joy to our lives. Nature would also remind us of the mystery of life. When we consider the bumblebee, we are reminded that we don't know everything since scientists still don't know how they manage to stay air-borne. Or how can fish live in the depths of the oceans with the tremendous weight of the water pressing down on them. How does a small brown seed turn into a beautiful flower or a bountiful tomato plant? God in his endless love and grace fills our lives with marvelous creation.
I pray that I will take the time to enjoy the beauty of nature and appreciate the gift that God has given us. Even my own body is a miraculous creation that performs a myriad of functions in conscious and unconscious ways. I pray that I will never become blase about the gift of the natural world.
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