Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 "'You fool!  This very night your life will be demanded from you.'" Luke12:20NIV

The parable that includes this passage talks about a successful farmer who has such a good crop that he is going to build new barns to store it.  He plans to retire and enjoy the benefits of his wealth.  God tells him that he will die that night.  The farmer has done a very good job of providing for his physical needs.  He was diligent in the administration of the farm and is reaping the rewards of his good husbandry.  He feels that he deserves his pleasant retirement.  But God reminds us that we never know when we are going to die and we should be living our lives as though our death was imminent. This farmer thinks he is in control of his destiny and doesn't give any consideration to his spiritual relationship with God.  He is his own god.  When he dies, all his material wealth will go to someone else and he will be left with nothing because he has no spiritual wealth. How true the old saying that "you can't take it with you."  However, a relationship with God is forever and it goes with us when we die.  His love for us, our love for him is eternal.

I pray that I won't be deluded into thinking that life is about gathering riches so that I can have a "well-deserved" retirement.  Every day should be a day to bring the love of God to those around me, even if it costs me financially.  To be a good business person is useful, to be a loving servant of God has eternal benefits.

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