Saturday, November 21, 2020

Angel of Light

 "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light...his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness."  2 Corinthians 11:14,15 NIV

Before this passage, the apostle Paul warns his church about the danger of fallen for the message of false prophets. He reminds them that Eve was deceived by the cunning of Satan who appealed to her pride and rebelliousness. How vulnerable we still are! Satan entices us with his sugary messages of self-fulfillment and happiness and does all he can to undermine the gospel of Jesus our Saviour. Does a teacher or preacher tell us that we don't need the saving grace of Christ? Does a teacher or preacher proclaim that all religions lead to God? We like to hear that we are not accountable to God; we like to hear that our sins are all right. We like to believe that basically we are good, and that any sins we commit really aren't a reflection of who we are. We don't want to think of Jesus hanging on the cross because of our rebellion, and we most certainly don't like the idea of judgment. The gospel is a message of love but it is also one that is not palatable to our natural selves. We are so easily dazzled by Satan masquerading as an angel of light because he appeals to our innate pride and selfishness.

I pray that I will remember the central message of the gospel: God's love demonstrated to us by the sacrifice of his son. I pray for those who are under the influence of Satan, as he masquerades as an agent of good, that they will see the error of their beliefs.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Help from Believers

 "It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans."3 John 7 NIV

In the apostle John's third epistle to a church, John praises the church for having helped fellow believers, who were strangers to them, enabling them to do their work without any financial support from nonbelievers. It is wise for churches today to not  raise funds through secular endeavours. A quest for money to pay a church's bills should not be undertaken in a worldly fashion. Our tithes and offerings should be bathed in prayer and blessed for the work of God. If we really value the kingdom of God, we will support our churches financially to the extent that they can meet their obligations. Once a church begins relying on nonbelievers for income, then they quickly modify the gospel to make it more palatable to the public so that they don't lose donations. What a downward spiral that starts.

I pray that God will give me a generous heart so that I will support my church financially to the best of my ability. I pray that as a church we will remember that a church is people, not a building or a program.  I thank God for the community of saints that unites Christians around the world.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Be Still

 "Be still, and know that I am God;  I will be exalted among the nations." Psalm 46:10 NIV

Personal turmoil, national turmoil, world turmoil. Popular psychology offers some suggestions for gaining inner peace such as focusing on your breathing, paying careful attention to something in front of you, sitting quietly while trying to avoid any thoughts. These techniques work in the moment but, as soon as one stops the process, life's worries and anxieties come rushing back. The psalmist gives us a better way. Focus your mind on God and his omnipotence. Remember how He has been faithful to his people. This will calm your mind, not only in the short term, but also in the long term.  A heart that is tuned to God's word will be still not because it is blanking out thoughts, but because it is trusting in the love and majesty of God. With a mind at peace and a heart encouraged by God's love, one can go about the duties of the day  with equanimity and confidence.

I am so thankful for God's words of truth in the Bible. I pray that God will remind his people of his faithfulness and blessings.  He leads us by still waters.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Weeds

 "'No, ' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow until the harvest.'" Matthew 13: 29-30 NIV

In this parable, Jesus describes the world as a field that was planted with wheat but in which weed seeds sprouted. Initially the weeds looked similar to the wheat so it was difficult to differentiate between the two kinds of plants. At the time of harvest, it would be clear which plants were wheat and which plants were  weeds. The farmer in the parable tells his workers to leave the weeds growing alongside the wheat as pulling them up could uproot the wheat as well. In our lives, there are people who are wheat for our souls. They feed us spiritual truths and nourish our Christian growth. Others are like the weeds and are not helping us to grow in the Kingdom of God. However, these unbelieving people may still play important roles in our lives. Perhaps they are employers,  perhaps they are family members, perhaps they are elected officials. God may keep these people in our lives as they support us in practical and emotional ways.  Ultimately though at the end of the age when there is the judgment of people, those who follow God will enter the kingdom of heaven, and those in rebellion against God will not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Sometimes I find this passage difficult. I like some of the "weeds" in my life. It is sad to think that they may never come to saving faith in Christ. I pray that I will be able to trust God even when faced with challenging truths.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Practicing Christians

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- "  John 1:12 NIV

Recently someone spoke of being a practicing Christian. I wondered how that fits in with being a child of God. In my biological family did I practice being a daughter? No, I was simply my parents' daughter. I could chose to be an obedient daughter, or a rebellious daughter but I was always their daughter. What do people mean when they say they are "practicing" Christians? Does it mean they read their Bible and say prayers? Does it mean they go to church and help the needy? Being a Christian isn't about doing certain things; it is about being adopted as a child of God. It is a relationship between a person and God, not a routine to be followed. For family reasons, I am not able to go to church right now. That in no way negatively affects my position as a daughter of God. I believe it is very helpful for the growth of a Christian to regularly fellowship with other Christians, but going to church does not make me a Christian. Believing in the saving grace of Christ is what makes me a Christian.

I thank God that I am his daughter forever. No matter what I do in a day, I am always his daughter. I am so glad that this relationship is based on love. The knowledge of Christ's love for me will transform my heart and out of a renewed heart will come the works that will glorify God.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Glorious Heavens

The heavens declare the glory of God...their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.  Psalm 19: 1, 4 NIV

To see a clear night sky away from light pollution is to be amazed.  Millions of twinkling stars fill our field of vision. We are reminded of all the wonders up in the sky: the galaxies in their astoundingly colourful shapes, the planets in our solar system that are all so distinctly different, the comets that whiz by the earth in  blazing streaks, and so much more. Every year astronomers discover more wonderful things in our cosmos and share photographs that are awe-inspiring. No wonder the psalmist wrote that the heavens declare the glory of God.  All nations in the world experience the incredible beauty of the heavens, in daytime and nighttime. The voice of God is heard resoundingly all over the earth.  How important it is to look up and listen to God's eternal melody.

I pray that I will take the time to gaze at the heavens, day and night, and ponder the glory of God. I thank God that He has given us such a clear expression of his majesty and creative power.  I am so amazed at the   immensity of our universe, and yet God sees even me.  And He loves me, too.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Most Valued

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair.  John 12:3 NIV

Jesus was at the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary when Mary poured perfume on Jesus.  When Judas saw what Mary had done, he complained that the perfume should have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor. Jesus commended Mary for her actions because they showed how much she loved and valued Him. Perhaps for some time Judas had been feeling resentful about the attention Jesus was getting. Perhaps he realized that Mary had a closer relationship with Jesus than he did, and he was jealous. Whatever the reason, Judas was so annoyed at Mary's extravagant display of devotion that soon after he went to the chief priests to betray Jesus.  Even in churches today, some people bristle at heart-felt devotion to Jesus. They much prefer to do works of charity that they can feel proud of. Too bad that it is possible for church members to resent someone's love of Jesus. We are called to help the poor but even more we are called to be in a deep relationship with Jesus.

I pray that I will be more like Mary who delighted in the presence of her Lord. I pray that I will be generous to others but that I will never place people above God.