Tuesday, April 11, 2017


“showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”      Exodus 20:6 NIV
As a Canadian, I have sometimes felt guilty that I have so much blessing in my life compared with many people in the world,  but recently this verse came to mind. It made me realize that it wasn’t some cosmic lottery that had landed me where I am.  It was the result of the faithfulness of past generations. This passage is the last part of the second commandment. Those who rebel against God will be punished for three or four generations, but those who obey God will be shown love to a thousand generations. I know I have a heritage of Christians in my background.  I am blessed today because of them.  It is exciting and special to realize that my faith will also bless the younger generations in my family.  Even those who do not chose Christ will still be positively affected by my continuing faith.
So now I don’t feel guilty about being born a Canadian. I pray that more people worldwide would follow Christ so that they and their future generations will be blessed. I pray for those countries that are so lost in violence and fear.  I pray that their eyes will be opened.

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