Sunday, November 8, 2020

Practicing Christians

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- "  John 1:12 NIV

Recently someone spoke of being a practicing Christian. I wondered how that fits in with being a child of God. In my biological family did I practice being a daughter? No, I was simply my parents' daughter. I could chose to be an obedient daughter, or a rebellious daughter but I was always their daughter. What do people mean when they say they are "practicing" Christians? Does it mean they read their Bible and say prayers? Does it mean they go to church and help the needy? Being a Christian isn't about doing certain things; it is about being adopted as a child of God. It is a relationship between a person and God, not a routine to be followed. For family reasons, I am not able to go to church right now. That in no way negatively affects my position as a daughter of God. I believe it is very helpful for the growth of a Christian to regularly fellowship with other Christians, but going to church does not make me a Christian. Believing in the saving grace of Christ is what makes me a Christian.

I thank God that I am his daughter forever. No matter what I do in a day, I am always his daughter. I am so glad that this relationship is based on love. The knowledge of Christ's love for me will transform my heart and out of a renewed heart will come the works that will glorify God.

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