Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 "You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say, 'It is hopeless'" Isaiah 57:10 NIV

How sad that many who are "weary and heavy laden" don't recognize that there is relief from their weariness.  Jesus offers a life that is full and abundant, with hope for this life and the life to come, but people sometimes just want to keep beating their heads against the wall, not willing to accept the fact that it gets them nowhere.  Before repentance can happen, people need to see the need for salvation. They need to realize that there is no hope for a future by continuing on in the ways of the world.  Pride, selfishness, greed, anger only lead to destruction.  Morality without love does not lead to peace.  Jesus offers us the only real hope because it is only through Him that we truly learn to love God and our neighbours, and that is the only way to have a happy, satisfying life.

Lord, when I feel weary, let me ask myself why.  Is the weariness because I have lost sight of your love? I pray that my eyes will stay focused on your salvation and the hope for all eternity.

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