Saturday, June 3, 2017

Is Church a Performance?

Be kind and compassionate to one another…Ephesians 4:32

Kindness and compassion can come in so many forms. Sometimes kindness is offering an opportunity to someone who might not otherwise have access to it.  Sometimes that means opening up a spot even if you are the more qualified person to do the job. It can mean being accepting of another’s shortcomings and recognizing that God is forever being merciful to us. 

Churches can avoid giving responsibilities or positions to people in their congregation who aren’t up to a certain standard of skill. But is that what church is all about? Only the competent can  participate in the delivery of the service or in organizing events? As the kids say, what would Jesus do ?  Seems to me he would be more concerned with matters of the heart. Is church a performance or is it a sharing in love of our mutual worship of God? Can we not include more people and gracefully nurture them? We are supposed to be different from the world.

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