Monday, September 10, 2018

Is it futile?

“You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God.’ What did we gain by carrying out his requirements…?” Malachi 3: 14 NIV

Years ago in the early days of my Christian walk, I often had this sentiment. I watched as my sisters lived according to their own ambitions and inclinations, and I envied their colourful, interesting lives. I was weighed down by the responsibility of babies and young children. A treat was to be able to take a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes I really questioned my decision to follow God. I didn`t feel joyful or peaceful or victorious. I just felt tired and overwhelmed. But the Lord is faithful and through those tough years, He taught me about self-control, sacrificial love, humility and, most of all, about his solid support in difficult times and his love for me.

Now I am a grandmother and I see how the different paths have played out over a lifetime. The days of childcare are behind me, and my husband and I get to enjoy our expanding family which includes grandchildren. I have peace and joy now, and the blessed assurance of Jesus`s promises. My sisters falter as their lives lack the sure base of Christ. I see glory ahead, they just see death. I`m so glad the Bible gives us the big picture.

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